2024 Animal Sanctuary Caregiver Day

Each June, we celebrate Animal Sanctuary Caregiver Day, where we honor our incredible Care Staff at The Sanctuary.

Our Care Staff is made up of individuals from diverse backgrounds across the country, who dedicate themselves daily to providing home, herd, and personalized care for each resident elephant. Without their unwavering dedication, we couldn't fulfill our mission.

Each day, Care Staff ensure our elephants receive proper nourishment, preparing diets tailored to their needs with a variety of foods, including fresh produce, hay, Mazuri feed, and probiotics totaling close to 2,000 pounds monthly. These diets are delivered twice daily to the elephants' chosen exploration areas, covering many miles of fence line across our vast habitats.

In our Protected Contact system, Caregivers maintain the safety and trust of both elephants and themselves. Using soft bamboo target poles and vocal cues, they guide and teach elephants to participate in their health care voluntarily, from basic examinations and foot care to complex treatments like cold laser therapy. Enrichment activities crafted by Caregivers are also carefully designed to stimulate natural behaviors, utilizing repurposed items and community-donated browse.

Not only do Caregivers attend to the elephants' physical well-being, but they also manage essential daily tasks such as barn and habitat cleanup and administrative duties. Their work ensures the elephants thrive in a nurturing environment, and we are immensely grateful for their hard work and commitment. Join us in showing appreciation for our Care Staff by replying to this email with a token of gratitude that we will share with them!

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