Bull Barn Update

The Sanctuary is thrilled to report significant progress in the construction of the new bull barns, which will soon become the home for our current resident, Artie, and Tonka, who will be joining us this year.

The structure, designed specifically for bulls, is now complete, with ongoing installations of electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and other essential infrastructure. We are swiftly moving towards the next phase, where crews will begin installing interior walls, doors, trim, cabinets, as well as fixtures for lighting and plumbing, along with the installation of solar panels.

8,750-gallon cisterns have also been added, which will collect rainwater from the barn's gutter system. This water will be utilized for washing the barn, a task that demands a significant amount of water. The implementation of this cistern system will substantially reduce our water consumption, aligning with our sustainability initiative.

Check out our plans for the bull barns and habitat as we make forever homes for these special animals in Hohenwald, Tennessee, and help us reach our goal of raising $1.5 million with a gift to our Building for Bulls!

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