At the age of 61, years beyond the expected age of a captive elephant, Billie has proven how true individualized geriatric care can positively impact the well-being of an aging elephant. The Sanctuary's Facilities and Maintenance Team has once again teamed up with Husbandry and Care Staff to provide Billie with easier access to larger portions of the habitat and upgraded barn accommodations to better provide comfortability, like extended fence lines, new trails, and soft rubber flooring.
The team has been working on significant habitat modifications and extended fencing for Billie and the others to increase grazing space and provide an opportunity to explore new areas of Q Habitat. This year-round access expands Billie’s space from mostly wooded hillsides to vast fields and valleys. In addition, to provide more options for traversing the shaded wooded areas of the habitat this summer, Staff also created a new trail, Daniel's Pond Trail, paving the way for an abundance of exploration and foraging options.