- Alnus (Alder)
- Ash
- Bamboo (all species)
- Banana palm
- Beech
- Birch
- Black gum
- Boxelder
- Bradford Pear
- Blackberry
- Cedar
- Christmas Trees (Balsam fir, Concolor fir, Douglas fir, Frasier fir, Scotch pine)
- Cottonwood
- Crab Apple
- Crape Myrtle
- Devils Walking Stick
- Dogwood
- Elm
- Grapevine
- Hackberry
- Hickory
- Honeysuckle
- Hornbeam
- Maple (Japanese, Silver, Sugar)
- Mimosa
- Mulberry
- Oak (all species - no acorns)
- Pecan
- Persimmon
- Pine (all species)
- Poplar
- Redbud
- Sourwood
- Spruce
- Sumac
- Sugar cane
- Sweet gum
- Sycamore
- Wild Privet (no berries)
- Willow
Donation Guidelines
- Timing: Now accepting browse through March 2025, but donations are appreciated any time of year!
- Condition: Please ensure items are cut within the last 2-3 weeks, and as fresh as possible. We ask that all items remain free from pesticides.
- Size: Only limbs and small logs are accepted—no stumps or thick tree trunks.
Browse donations can be brought to The Sanctuary’s Elephant Discovery Center, located at 27 East Main Street, Hohenwald, where a designated drop-off location will be available behind the building next to the 're-tired' elephant statue. Donors are invited to visit the exhibits inside the Elephant Discovery Center, which is open every Tuesday through Saturday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
For large or heavy delivery arrangements, please contact Kristy, Browse Coordinator, at Kristy@elephants.com.
We are incredibly grateful to all those who have donated and to our community for their support! For more information, please contact us at elephants@elephants.com or call 931-796-6500.
The elephant habitats are closed to the public. Visitors will not see or interact with the elephants.