Take Action

Take Action

There are several ways you can contribute to our mission — and the mission of those all over the world working to develop solutions to the crisis facing elephants and ensure their survival.

Make a Pledge

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Crisis Facing Elephants

Elephants are highly intelligent animals with expansive, diverse home ranges and complex social and ecological relationships. In many areas, elephant populations are highly threatened due to loss of habitat, human-elephant conflict, and poaching for ivory and bushmeat. As of 2013, the Asian elephant population had experienced a 90 percent decline in the past 100 years, and some experts suggest 95 percent of their original habitat has been lost over the same period. Estimates vary, but most agree that there has been a 75 percent decline in the elephant population in Africa. Today, there are thought to be between 300,000 and 500,000 wild elephants in Africa and less than 50,000 wild elephants in Asia. Asian elephants are recognized as critically endangered, African savanna elephants are endangered, and African forest elephants are critically endangered.

Since 2018, The Elephant Sanctuary has worked with international partners to support elephants living in Asia and Africa. Our grant program annual funding is directed to partners actively working to study and protect elephants, provide solutions and mitigate threats. Over the past ten years, The Elephant Sanctuary has funded 10 organizations in 20 range states. Learn more about our International Partners here.

Make a Custom Pledge

I pledge to My is Kelly Benson I love amles very much to so

Kelly Benson

I pledge to I pledge to: I signed in years ago. I can’t remember my password. I once saw, I think it was Queenie at Benson’s Animal Farm. I read about her years ago. I would like to make a small monthly donation for her, even though she’s dead. How

Laura Rizzi

I pledge to I pledge to be kind to all elephants and listen to all rules that apply it is my re·spon·si·bil·i·ty /rəˌspänsəˈbilədē/ to not get hurt and I will be not mean to the baby's that's will make the bad ones life worser

jack carnie

I pledge to I pledge to support Osh who is moving from Oakland Zoo

Martha Anne Mikeselll


Max Balls

I pledge to love and consider whole heartedly

Kage Castillo

I pledge to I pledge to

Sierrah Brace

I pledge to I pledge to help my environment so our children will not only get to enjoy the elephants we protect, but to be able to enjoy the flora and fauna that surrounds us all.

Allianna Olstad

I pledge to I pledge to speak out against elephant, or any other animal, exploitation. I pledge to be more conscious of what I consume. And I pledge to always fight for the rights of animals everywhere.

Eduardo Pineda-Reyes

I pledge to I pledge to all of the above!

Tammy Nelson

I pledge to I pledge to not attend circuses, zoos, or other such entities who exploit elephants in any way, to not purchase any ivory products, to help support elephant sanctuaries and to educate others about elephant captivity and abuse.

Debra Lusk

I pledge to I pledge to have Animal rescue save the elephant in Kyiv Ukraine Horace the traumatized elephant at the Kyiv zoo rescued soon by international wildlife rescue organization Four Paws due to the Russian Ukrainian war.

Todd Powers

I pledge to I pledge to visit elephant sanctuaries as much as we can in the USA, and hope that all previously extinct and region limited creatures and flora shall be resurrected and globally alive via Yeshua forever.

Paul Laufer

I pledge to purchase shade grown coffee

Diane Sulley

I pledge to I pledge to not attend any circuses or other "entertainment" which includes elephants or animals. Continual use of elephants for income is cruel. I refuse to add to its demand, nor will I add a penny.

Juli Zaklan

I pledge to I pledge to never stop working to free Billy from his prison in the Los Angeles zoo.

Britt Lind

I pledge to I pledge to do all I can for our lovely elephants, to free them from zoos and circuses, to protect them from poachers, to allow them to live as they were meant to live, free. To help support the sanctuaries who also take care of them.

Candace Klein-Loetterle

I pledge to I pledge to help raise awareness about elephants and how to support them to people around me as well as support elephants in any way I can.

Clyde Granzeier

I pledge to I pledge to Support and donate for elephants world wide.

Beverly Young

I pledge to I pledge to donate when I can to help support for the protection of elephants, and to add my name to petitions for stronger laws to prosecute poachers and illegal ivory trading.

Cynthia McHale

I pledge to I pledge to support the protection of elephants and their natural habitats. As well as advocating stronger laws to prosecute poachers and illegal ivory trade offenders.

Debbie Bailey

I pledge to I pledge to always cherish and help keep all of the elephants safe

Selena Simpson

I pledge to I pledge to not purchase any ivory

Mary Smith

I pledge to main page http://nephak.or.ke/civil-society-organizations-statement-on-the-alleged-financial-misappropriation-at-the-ministry-of-health/about_us/laboratory/link/about_us/hospital/mqi/qa/ heterogeneous Yulin Shaanxi

opepayOT opepayOT

I pledge to I pledge to shop smart and buy only shade grown coffee

Regina F.

I pledge to I pledge to ALWAYS speak out, ALWAYS to shop smart, to ALWAYS go green, to ALWAYS travel responsibility and ALWAYS LOVE & EMPATHIZE WITH ALL ANIMALS!!!!!!

Christina Almeida

I pledge to I pledge to consider "The Elephant Sanctuary" in my estate plans, if 'executive compensation' and 'all expenses not related to care of the Elephants' remains low, AND someone contacts me in regards to my estate plans. Sincerely, Edward Pa

Edward Pazier

I pledge to I pledge to preserve the earth and spread awareness to help save the incredible animals we coexist with.

Breanna Johnson

I pledge to I pledge to Travel Responsibly, To Go Green, Shop Smart, and speak out.

William Iaconetti

I pledge to I pledge to speak out

Jessie Quinn

I pledge to I pledge to do my biblical duty as found in Genesis 1:26 where God gives man domain over the animals on earth, to care for and assist others in caring for wildlife.

Devon Hamilton

I pledge to I pledge to continue to further learn and educate myself about the care and keeping of all animal life, even tho Elephants are my passion. I would like to pass along the importance of this to others along the way in my life.

Kim Pine

I pledge to I pledge to do all I can to end the exploitation of wild animals.

Megan Sullivan

I pledge to I pledge to make my life about helping all animals in need.

vada praytor

I pledge to I pledge to sign as many petitions' and pass out as many flyers/brochures that help and promote animals living better


I pledge to I pledge to care about wildlife and support conservation

bryan kirshon

I pledge to I pledge to live my remaining years (I’m a Senior Citizen) helping all animals and environment to the best of my abilities. So help me God.


I pledge to I pledge to

Al Christian

I pledge to I pledge to speak out, shop smart, go green AND travel responsibly. 💚

Brittany Mondido

I pledge to I pledge to

M.Rute Correia

I pledge to I pledge to

jan scott

I pledge to I pledge to Speak out and do so.

Terry Newell

I pledge to I pledge to shop smart

Diane Hoyle

I pledge to I pledge to speak out

Diane Hoyle

I pledge to shop responsibly in respect for all animals, speak up for elephants and all wildlife, and support The Elephant Sanctuary.

Diane Krassenstein

I pledge to never buy ivory, buying sustainable wood and paper products, supporting sustainable palm oil products and drinking shade grown coffee!

Nancy Miller

I pledge to do everything possible to help elephants survive for more generations.

Carolyn Anderson

I pledge to not buy ivory products and educate my family and friends about the plight of the elephants.

Linda McAllister

I pledge to keep on posting elephant abuse on facebook and let all around me know of circuses abuses

jj skiddy

I pledge to speak up for elephants I so admire. I pledge to shop ethically to protect all endangered animals. I pledge to waste less, to go as green as possible, & to travel responsibly. WHY? ...that's what is honorable, just and possible.

Carolyn Rhazi

I pledge to do all of the above as I have for many years. Having been to India and been up close and personal with these magnificent creatures, I know firsthand the importance of their survival!

Mary Lynn Willis Parodi

I pledge to support the elephants by going green, traveling responsibly, not buying ivory, and speaking out about the elephant crisis to all I meet.

Harriet Russo

I pledge to travel responsibly, although I am too old to travel overseas, never buy, ivory, products, or, any other products derived from, dead, animals, to speak out on behalf of elephants who are an endangered species, poached& exploited


I pledge to help where I can for elephant conservation

Lauren Belleza

I pledge to always ...true to my heart...cherish, protect, educate and fight for the lives of this amazing Earth's most precious of commodities...OUR WILDLIFE and the spectacular Creatures and Life that live in harmony with and because of.

Cathleen Olsen

I pledge to let more people know about the needs of our elephant friends and to encourage them to donate to the Elephant Sanctuary. I will continue to donate to the Sanctuary

Donna Blessing

I pledge to do what I can, to stop the killing of elephants, mistreating of elephants, and abuse!! I will always be in their side!🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘

Katherine Morey

I pledge to speak out

Debra Lynn

I pledge to shop smart

Diane Hoyle

I pledge to seize every opportunity to take online action and to engage in face-to-face advocacy on behalf of elephants.

Nancy Beavers

I pledge to sign petitions to help elephants!

Janet Collins

I pledge to see something and say something for all animals

carolyn Walker

I pledge to Speak Out!

Denise Foehl

I pledge to remain vegan and do whatever I can to help elephants (and all animals).

Kevin Crupi

I pledge to never go to a zoo or circus

Shelly Hopkins

I pledge to never visit places like zoo and circuses, I refuse to ride elephants and never visit festivals and shows where animals are in unnatural circumstances.

Tina Behla

I pledge to hablar ,compartir peticiones en contra de la explotación animal!!! Cualquiera que está sea!!!!

Roxana Moya

I pledge to be more aware and get involved

Joseph Widmeier

I pledge to not ride elephants

Kate M.

I pledge to Raise awareness, speak and educate fir the voiceless and to never forget animals who suffer

Mary Soto

I pledge to Raise awareness

Spencer Batcheller

I pledge to Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu - “May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”

Rich Smith

I pledge to Honor these great creatures

Carolin von Gröling

I pledge to never forget Tree Trunks. Rest in peace Polly Lou

Jonah McFarland

I pledge to help as much as I can without endangering animals.

Juana Rodriguez

I pledge to Honor the intelligence elephants have, and cherish the ability to learn from it.

Alexandra Howell

I pledge to do everything I can to continue to support people who help these magnificent beings

Francesca Mansell

I pledge to 27.50

Marsha Hyman

I pledge to Speak out

Mary Wuellner

I pledge to You can Speak Out for elephants by sharing what you know with your friends and family, speaking up if you’re concerned for an animal’s welfare, asking your local officials to prevent permits to shows traveling with wild/exotic animals, and expressing your support for bills that protect wild/exotic animals.

Scott Gibson

I pledge to help spread awareness of how some elephants are being abused.

Daniel to much personal info

I pledge to Help Ellie’s

Kris Noble

I pledge to Spread Awareness for these beautiful creatures and to make sure that the cruelty and abuse comes to an end!

Kaylin Pullen

I pledge to Speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Georgia Springer

I pledge to Keep my eyes open for trouble

Scooter Lynn

I pledge to You can Speak Out for elephants by sharing what you know with your friends and family, speaking up if you’re concerned for an animal’s welfare, asking your local officials to prevent permits to shows traveling with wild/exotic animals, and expressing your support for bills that protect wild/exotic animals.

Taylor Epstein

I pledge to Sign petitions speak out

Maryetta Brown

I pledge to Sign petitions

christine lebron-dykeman

I pledge to Sign petitions

Mary Wuellner

I pledge to Spread awareness

Shelby Myers

I pledge to You can Speak Out for elephants by sharing what you know with your friends and family, speaking up if you’re concerned for an animal’s welfare, asking your local officials to prevent permits to shows traveling with wild/exotic animals, and expressing your support for bills that protect wild/exotic animals.

Andria Ganley

I pledge to You can Go Green for elephants by saying no to single-use plastics, replacing regular lightbulbs with compact fluorescents, refueling with a reusable coffee mug, choosing used, and unsubscribing from catalogs and junk mail.


I pledge to Spread awareness for elephants around the world.

Zachary Byrd

I pledge to speak up for elephants for all of my life.

Claire Wadzinski

I pledge to Care and support organisations who protect these beautiful animals. I pledge to Share. Spreading the word for elephants, who can’t speak for themselves.

Annette Entwistle

I pledge to Care

Pamela P

I pledge to You can Speak Out for elephants by sharing what you know with your friends and family, speaking up if you’re concerned for an animal’s welfare, asking your local officials to prevent permits to shows traveling with wild/exotic animals, and expressing your support for bills that protect wild/exotic animals.

Lori Bryant

I pledge to Speak up and champion for all animal welfare

Justina Welch

I pledge to You can Speak Out for elephants by sharing what you know with your friends and family, speaking up if you’re concerned for an animal’s welfare, asking your local officials to prevent permits to shows traveling with wild/exotic animals, and expressing your support for bills that protect wild/exotic animals.

Dorcey Berndt

I pledge to speak out for elephants!

Luisa Chekrygin

I pledge to Speak out

Erin Cantrell

I pledge to Help fight the poachersch

Judy McLeod

I pledge to speak out for elephants regarding their abuse, poaching for status symbol and ivory sales and educate regarding their intelligence, emotional feelings and family orientation.

Ginger Miller

I pledge to You can Speak Out for elephants by sharing what you know with your friends and family, speaking up if you’re concerned for an animal’s welfare, asking your local officials to prevent permits to shows traveling with wild/exotic animals, and expressing your support for bills that protect wild/exotic animals.

Shelley Konrad

I pledge to Speak out and educate!

Susan Ports

I pledge to You can Speak Out for elephants by sharing what you know with your friends and family, speaking up if you’re concerned for an animal’s welfare, asking your local officials to prevent permits to shows traveling with wild/exotic animals, and expressing your support for bills that protect wild/exotic animals.

Kristin Cross

I pledge to Donate $100 in support of the elephants :)

Carol Hillyard

I pledge to DONATE $50.00

Nancy Houck

I pledge to Support the Elephants

Lucia Manetta

I pledge to donate $100

Steve Levitt

I pledge to make donations to the elephants!


I pledge to Donate

Mona Grimes

I pledge to take action for elephants

Bianca Olivieri

I pledge to Make a monthly recurring donation

Vivian Hughes-Wancewicz

I pledge to Donate!

Patricia Sloan

I pledge to Hope D’Alessio

Hope D’Alessio

I pledge to raise awareness on the destruction of wild elephant habitats.

Patrick King II

I pledge to Speak out against the sale of two female Asian Elephants from the African Lion Safari in Canada to Fort Worth Zoo USA for $2,000,000, and another $200,000 if one of the elephants produces a calf. This deal will encourage more illegal traff

Lisa Ching

I pledge to Raise awareness of the destruction of wildlife and what keeps elephants safe. I also pledge to continue to spread love for one of the most beautiful and amazing creatures to ever exist.

Jennifer Pearson

I pledge to never forget the elephants we have lost and to continue to fight against the destruction of our wildlife and this planet.

Bailie Calvin

I pledge to Speak out on behalf of the elephants, and all animals, as well as continuing to support the Elephant Sanctuary and encouraging others to do so.

Jennifer Bergstrand

I pledge to $50

Thomas Garrett

I pledge to I pledge to try to uphold my values and ideals through living a low-footprint, moral and ethical life and to contribute regularly to the non-profit organizations that care for harmed, unwanted, at-risk fellow creatures of the earth.

Beth Waltrip

I pledge to try to uphold my values and ideals through living a low-footprint, moral and ethical life and to contribute regularly to the non-profit organizations that care for harmed, unwanted, at-risk fellow creatures of the earth.

bonnie england

I pledge to Continue my financial support

Robert Anthony

I pledge to $100

Elizabeth Jackson

I pledge to Travel responsibly

Paula McCoy

I pledge to try to do no harm to any living creature and to continue to support organizations that work to help animals and preserve the natural world.

Delene Hanson

I pledge to all of the above. These wonderful sentient beings need our help.

Jane Gerber

I pledge to do all above I pledge to dedicate my life to save the planet and its animals. I pledge that in my life I will never exploit any animal.

Niina Anttinen

I pledge to Do all the above, plus contribute to worthwhile animal welfare organizations.

Danielle Schneider

I pledge to pray for animals and creation as well as bring attention to the welfare of animals and the environment with positive advocacy measures and conversations.

Sherry F.

I pledge to educate myself and others on ways to share the world with all other species most definitely the amazingly beautiful elephant


I pledge to love all creatures unconditionally and never lose my place in this world

Megan Williams

I pledge to spread the word about how important and interesting elephants are and how to help protect them to as many people as possible

Clyde Granzeier

I pledge to stay awake to my place in nature

chris phillips

I pledge to nurture and support all life as gifts from God.

Sara Briggs

I pledge to do my best to be educated and knowledgeable about the plight of the elephant population and do all that I can to educate others.

Katie McQuinn

I pledge to Be kind to nature

shelly jones

I pledge to do all I can to support the plight of the majestic elephant in order to keep them safe and free. I also pledge to support all the animal from harm thru awareness and funding whenever possible.

Leigh Ann Nash

I pledge to do my best to learn more, do more to protect animals and our planet :)

Donna Chachko

I pledge to Be kind to all animals

Jennifer Welsch

I pledge to be kind to all animals and not to support any activities that abuse them

Allen Schwartz

I pledge to You can Shop Smart for elephants by not buying or trading ivory, purchasing sustainable paper and wood products, drinking shade-grown coffee, and refusing to buy products made with unsustainable palm oil.

Victoria Reynolds

I pledge to Help any way I can to the best of my ability to do so

Leslie Miller

I pledge to continue financial support and work to make the world a better place for elephants and all animals ❤

Haley Chambers

I pledge to Continue financial support

Amy Vawter

I pledge to recycle and not waste so much so we have a world that the elephants will thrive in.

Sylvie Ogorek

I pledge to Always put elephants and endangered species [as well as any animals] well being above my own always<3.

Stefanie Kelting

I pledge to fight for the peace & freedom for all elephants

Dena Wolfe

I pledge to Save elephants and all living beings that exist on my planet.

Shadi Malekzadeh

I pledge to Save Elephants and all living beings that exist on my planet

Eric Arndt

I pledge to Save Elephants and all living beings that exist on my planet

Eric Arndt

I pledge to Save elephants

Amela Hadzic

I pledge to not go to any event where animals are kept in captivity outside their natural habitats.

Jane Gordon

I pledge to promote the plight of elephants to my ftriends

Giles Franklin

I pledge to purchase shade-grown coffee.

Leah Williams

I pledge to Help elephants survive

Kathleen Lowy

By completing this form, you consent that you have read, understood, and agree to all policies contained in the Privacy Policy.

When submitting this pledge, your first and last name will be shared publicly.

Make a Donation

Your support allows us to provide elephants home, herd, rest, refuge, and individualized care for life.

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