
We can never really know why coincidences occur, but over the years many significant coincidences have occurred at the Sanctuary. Most of these coincidences involve dates, such as an elephant passing on the same date another elephant or caregiver passed. Elephants passing on a caregiver's birthday, or other significant day. There is no explainable connection, but it definitely makes you think, such as, if Bunny were alive we would have celebrated her ten year anniversary yesterday. She is often on our minds but yesterday there was a collective consciousness around our dear Bunny. Lots of people were thinking about Bunny, reading about her on our web site, and reminiscing about her life and the love she shared with everyone who knew her. Even the caregivers reminded the other elephants that "Bunny arrived ten years ago today, we sure miss her".

This morning when the caregiver brought breakfast to the girls in the habitat, Shirley and Tarra were found at Bunny's grave site. They had not visited the site together since Bunny passed and had not been back on their own in several weeks. Coincidence? Most likely, but who can be sure. If dates hold such meaning in our culture who is to say that dates don't hold meaning in other cultures as well. Namaste sweet Bunny.

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