
This photo which was taken last month clearly demonstrates that Tange has figured out how to maintain custody of the infamous "tire".

These past few days have been warmer and wet, good weather for the girls to be outside enjoying their tire. Tange maintains her title as "Tire Queen", effectively keeping the tire for herself most of the time. Yes, there are other toys but much of the fun is keeping one for yourself. Tange has figured out how to balance the tire upright, on the treads, a talent that many of the elephants develop after long hours spent getting to know their tire. Of course tires are not new to Tange. When she lived at the zoo she would slip a large tractor tire all the way over her head, wearing it like a necklace, always appearing quite proud of herself. Sometimes when Tange has the tire, Flora will find something else to play with, like an uprooted Cedar bush or large fallen log. Flora enjoys the challenge of dislodging anything from its footing.

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