
A winter snow storm covered most of Middle Tennessee, and The Elephant Sanctuary had several inches of snow - a very rare occurrence indeed! When the snow was falling the 3-Sum didn’t seem to think much of it one way or the other. When they came back into the barn, Billie began rubbing up against everything, the walls, other elephants; this activity went on for a while until she was dried off.

The next day when they went out, the snow was icier. Liz was the first out of the barn, and with each step she took, there was a loud crunch. After she had made it a good distance from the barn, she was so pleased with herself that she started kicking up snow, chirping, and bouncing around. This got Billie and Frieda interested enough to follow her (Billie practically sprinted over). Once they were together, all 3 went exploring in the snow, and actually ended up covering more ground then they do on nice days.

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