The elephants at The Elephant Sanctuary take daily supplements to keep their bodies healthy and strong. All of these supplements come with a scoop that is not able to be recycled — but it can be upcycled!
You may have a similar scoop in your protein powder or pet supplements to make this upcycled holiday ornament craft, or try using an unused plastic spoon from a takeout order or a small plastic lid. Get creative! Our imaginative Education Manager used an upcycled makeup powder lid for hers because she did not have a scoop on hand. When you are finished, you can hang your upcycled elephant ornament on a tree or in your window!
1 scoop that will form the body of your elephant (or spoon or lid)
Strong glue
Paper to make ears and trunk
1 pipe cleaner
1 pair of googly eyes (optional)
1 piece of ribbon
1. Cut out ears and a trunk from your paper. Have fun coloring or painting it to look like an elephant or use colored construction paper! If you have an issue of our Trunklines newsletter on hand, you could even cut out ears from one of the many elephant photos in the newsletter. (Want to receive Trunklines? Become A Member here!)
2. Glue the ears to the side of the scoop and the trunk to the flat back side of the scoop as shown in the picture. Add your googly eyes above the trunk or draw some on!
3. Wrap a pipe cleaner around the handle of the scoop.
4. Loop the ribbon and glue it along the inside edge of the scoop to create your ornament string.
5. Hang it on your tree just in time for the holiday!

Participants at our December Third Saturday event had the chance to make these upcycled ornaments with us. If you are in Middle Tennessee, be on the lookout for events at The Elephant Discovery Center next year for the chance to to join in on a variety of activities, from EleCrafts to enrichment creation to meeting Sanctuary Staff!