An Update on Frieda…
The Sanctuary’s integrated veterinary and husbandry team report that while Frieda currently seems to be responding to treatment, her health and behavior are still being monitored closely. This is because, in recent weeks, Frieda has not seemed quite herself: she’s experienced some modest weight loss, is choosing to spend more of her time in or near the barn rather than out in the wider habitat, and appears to be socializing somewhat less enthusiastically with her closest “herd” mates, Liz and Billie.
To provide Frieda with a gentler substrate for her worn feet, and to encourage her to lie down perhaps at her favorite spot in nearby woodlands, she has been moved back over to the Phase I barn at Q, where she can have access to both of those offerings. The Sanctuary’s facilities crew has simultaneously been working to construct a clean pathway between Phase I and II barns so that Frieda can also have “sleepovers” with her best friends Billie and Liz, who currently overnight in the Phase II barn. Once this pathway is fully complete, Frieda, Billie and Liz will be able to move freely between both Q Barns, permitting Caregivers better access to all Q elephants, and an easier time at keeping the barns and habitat clean. And of course, the elephants will have more places to walk, sleep, and explore!
With rest, treatment and warmer days, hopefully Frieda will emerge soon to take full advantage of all the new spaces she’ll have!
When Frieda first came to Sanctuary in 2006 after a lifetime spent in entertainment, she was underweight and suffering from chronic health conditions such as arthritis, osteomyelitis, and exposure to tuberculosis. Since that time, Sanctuary has aimed to provide her with as comfortable and as long a life as possible, in the company of her two dearest friends, Liz and Billie (also former performing elephants).
Meanwhile, Debbie, Minnie and Ronnie are cool as cucumbers, daily exploring the outdoors even in cold-for-Tennessee temperatures. You’ve probably seen Minnie on EleCams this past week, napping out in the meadow in winter’s full sun. Said Caregiver Brianna, “Nothing bothers her!”
Debbie and Ronnie exploring their Q Habitat, even in cold temperatures for
Tennessee’s milder-winter climate.
Staff also recently caught Billie sneaking a dip in the pond at Q Habitat. That water had to have been on the chilly side, but she obviously didn’t seem to mind!
Billie takes a spontaneous wintertime dip in the pond at Q.
The month of February brought arrival anniversaries for several of the former Hawthorn elephants, most of whom reside at The Elephant Sanctuary’s Q Barn & Habitat. We’ve been acknowledging those annual milestones by posting some great photos of the Girls at our Facebook page, so make sure you’re following us there.