Honoring Bonnie L. Ideal

The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee is deeply grateful for the generous donation received from the Estate of Bonnie L. Ideal, a long-time supporter, which enabled The Sanctuary to purchase essential equipment for elephant care. Bonnie’s thoughtful gift will have a lasting impact on the care and well-being of the elephants at The Sanctuary.

Thanks to Bonnie’s generosity, The Sanctuary was able to purchase a skid steer front-end loader, a vital and versatile piece of equipment used in many aspects of elephant care. The skid steer is a key asset in managing the substrate inside the barns and across the elephant habitats. Its small size and maneuverability make it especially useful for moving sand and dirt, which are essential for creating comfortable resting areas for the elephants. Many of the elephants, such as Billie, have specific needs when it comes to their sleeping and resting environments, and the skid steer helps provide the sand and dirt piles they use on a daily basis.

In addition to its role in providing comfort, the skid steer assists in emergency situations, including lifting a downed elephant. It is also a key tool for completing various projects within the barns and throughout The Sanctuary. From helping to set robust Protected Contact walls and installing fence panels to repairing gates and handling materials, this equipment plays a big role in maintaining The Sanctuary’s infrastructure, ensuring the safety and well-being of the elephants and Care Staff.

The skid steer is also equipped with implements that allow us to build dams for the large ponds, clear brush, mow, move heavy items, and even split logs for firewood, which is used to heat the elephant barns during the winter months. Its many capabilities help us meet the diverse needs of each elephant.

In addition to the skid steer, Bonnie's generous donation also funded the purchase of new ATVs and wagons, which are integral to the daily operations of the Care Staff. These ATVs are essential for transporting supplies, meals, and hay from the barns to the elephants when they are out in the habitats. The wagons are used to haul heavy loads, including the removal of elephant-stripped branches, downed trees, and waste, making cleanup in both the barns and habitats more efficient. The ATVs are also crucial for accessing the far reaches of the vast habitats, where they are used for routine tasks such as checking fencing, cleaning, and ensuring the elephants' environment remains safe and well-maintained.

The remainder of Bonnie’s generous donation has been directed toward meeting the ongoing care needs of the elephants, including food, medications, and other essential resources. This thoughtful gift has made a significant impact on The Sanctuary’s ability to provide the highest standard of care and support for the elephants' health and well-being.

We are incredibly thankful for Bonnie’s unwavering support. Her legacy of compassion for all animals will continue to inspire and guide us, and her donation will help ensure that The Sanctuary remains a place of refuge and care for the elephants for many years to come.

Shirley’s Legacy Planned Giving Program

Planned giving is a unique charitable tool that allows you to support The Elephant Sanctuary’s mission for many years to come. When you make a planned gift to The Elephant Sanctuary, you become a member of Shirley's Legacy Giving Program and help ensure safe haven and lifetime can for elephants. To learn more about planned giving at The Sanctuary, visit shop.elephants.com.

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