In Asia

What a treat! Photo by Caregiver Kristy
The Caregivers at Asia have been making some wonderful popsicle treats for the Girls. In case you missed it on The Sanctuary's Facebook page, check out the delicious popsicle treat Caregiver Clint is giving to Tarra. It's apricots, strawberries, grapes, oranges and bananas all frozen for a refreshing fruit treat! Be sure and Like us on Facebook, and you'll see new and frequent photos of the Girls in your news feed!
Over at Q

Minnie loves the native wildlife at The Sanctuary.
The girls have been taking full advantage of their water sources in this hot weather! All of the Eles have been spending extra time in their ponds, but they also can be spotted having fun with their waterers. There are several watering stations throughout the habitat that serve as water fountains for the girls. Sometimes if the girls don't want to go swimming, they will simply shower themselves with water that they suck into their trunks from their waterers. On a particularly hot day Caregiver Justina spotted Minnie using her waterer to splash herself with water. Minnie would spray the water on the left side of her body, then the right, and then she'd shoot the water from her trunk straight up into the air so the water would fall on her head and back. Suddenly, Justina noticed a bird take off from the ground and fly straight towards Minnie. Minnie noticed the bird, too. Minnie sucked up extra water into her trunk, and waited for the bird to come closer. As the bird was flying directly over Minnie, Minnie playfully shot water into the air, giving the bird a surprise afternoon shower. "It is amazing that we can give the Girls such a rich, diverse habitat to explore, and it is especially neat to watch them interact with the native Tennessee wildlife," said Justina.
At Africa

Tange keeping cool with a mud bath.
Flora continues to do well with blood draws, being consistent, calm and cooperative during her sessions. Tange is showing more consistency during the sessions as well, and we continue to look ahead to when she is as comfortable as Flora for her own blood draws.
The Girls have been very mobile this week, moving all over their habitat. Their huge mud wallows are still a favorite pastime, and both coat themselves with thick, red mud daily.
Caregivers are the ones having to find creative ways to stay cool, and freeze-pops are now a staple of daily life here at the Africa barn. Cooling off between tasks is not only a relief, but necessary, to avoid ill effects of being out in the sun/heat. Freeze pops and a big fan, or sometimes an air conditioner are very much appreciated during these summer months.
As always, slight additions and modification are always being made to training walls, and Kyle just came to do measurements on the Pipeline wall for additional items that will allow more foot care/inspections to take place there, not just at the barn walls.