Spring Fever at The Elephant Sanctuary
At The Sanctuary, both caregivers and elephants seem happy to see Spring’s arrival. The caregivers have tales to tell!
From Caregiver Nicole: “The girls at Asia have been soaking in the sun this past week with the warmer temps. Shirley has been seen swimming several times, which is exciting for the staff here, as most of us have never seen her swimming before. She even took a morning dip before breakfast a few days ago. Misty and Tarra have not joined in on the swimming fun lately, but instead have been staying on dry land munching on as much hay as they can find.” Caregiver Jessica adds that “Misty and Shirley aren’t about to let sprouting daffodils or hopping bunnies interrupt their nap time.”
Sissy reconnected with an old friend recently – the tire. There are a few tires stashed around the habitat, and Sissy will sometimes pick one up and move it to a new location.
Over at Q, Minnie seems especially taken with change in weather. Caregiver Diana explains…
“Spring fever has caught up with Minnie especially hard. Caregivers report seeing her rolling around in the mud of the creek, as well as having a long “itch session” in the barn along the bars and ground of her stalls.”
On a recent warm evening, something caught Caregiver Brianna’s ear: “Everyone heard some splashing in the darkness. As it turns out, Minnie was having an evening dip. For around 20 minutes, caregivers heard her making huge splashing noises! And at the end, someone (we suspect it was Minnie) let out a big ol’ elephant roar!”