Sissy (51) celebrates 19 years at The Sanctuary. Captured in Thailand as a calf, Sissy first appeared in the US on exhibit at Six Flags Over Texas in 1969. She later spent time at two Texas zoos before retiring to The Sanctuary in January 2000.
Minnie (53), Debbie (48), Ronnie (53) and Billie (56) all arrived at The Sanctuary 13 years ago as a result of USDA prosecutions for violations of the animal welfare act against the Hawthorn Corporation, a company that leased elephants to zoos and circuses.

Today, all of the Q elephants are regularly seen socializing with one another, exploring far reaches of their habitat, splashing in The Sanctuary's many streams and ponds, and lying down to nap in the sun.
To commemorate their anniversaries, Caregivers made anniversary “cakes” and bamboo towers in the habitat. The cakes were made of bran, oats, banana, carrots, strawberries, and celery. Ronnie and Debbie seemed to enjoy the bamboo more than the cake, but Minnie and Billie went straight for the cake.
To learn more about all of the elephants living at The Sanctuary, visit www.elephants.com/elephants