The Elephant Sanctuary hosts Elephant Watersports at Lewis County Public Library

The Elephant Sanctuary was honored to join our neighbors at the Lewis County Public Library and Archives once again for their Summer Reading event — a free community event for families and children of all ages. Recently, The Sanctuary hosted “Elephant Watersports,” where participants had the opportunity to learn what it was like to be an elephant and splash in the water on a warm summer’s day.

The Sanctuary’s Education Team put together activities like the Elephant Trunk Race, which allowed participants to test what it is like to have an elephant “trunk” by carrying a ping pong ball with long-reach grabbers and weaving through trees without dropping the ball —mimicking African elephants who have two appendages in their trunks to pick up or hold items. To learn about an elephant's ability to find water in their environment, attendees dug their way through watery sand to find hidden clues — much like an elephant digging a mud wallow! Lastly, everyone had the chance to walk a "mile" in an elephant's shoes during the Elephant Stomp Obstacle Course!

“The Elephant Sanctuary Staff had a blast hanging with our local community during our in-person water-themed event with the Lewis County Library. Water plays a big role in the lives of elephants, so it was fun to see the glee on the kids’ faces as they splashed like an elephant on a muggy day,” says The Sanctuary’s Education Coordinator, Kathrine Anest. “What I found most exciting was how the kids kept elephants on the forefront of their minds the whole day. I even saw them pretending to have elephant trunks as they waited in line for the activities!”

Make sure to visit their website to learn more about the Lewis County Public Library’s Summer Reading events!

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