For Immediate Release:
The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee NAMED “2018 TOP-RATED NONPROFIT” by GreatNonprofits
Award based on Outstanding Online Reviews
Hohenwald, Tenn. September 7, 2018 – The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee announced today it has been named a “2018 Top-Rated Nonprofit” by GreatNonprofits, the leading provider of user reviews of charities and nonprofits.
The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee provides home, herd, rest, refuge, and individualized care for life to elephants retired from performance and exhibition in Hohenwald, Tennessee.
“We are honored to be named a 2018 Top-Rated Nonprofit,” says Kate Mason, Communications Coordinator. We are proud of our accomplishments this year, including hosting many dedicated volunteers from around the country."
The Top-Rated Nonprofit Award is the based on the rating and number of reviews that The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee received from volunteers, donors and aid recipients. "Everything about the Sanctuary far exceeded what I imagined it was, or could be. The volunteer program was very well organized, the staff was amazing, and the actual land/living conditions were breathtaking. Volunteering made us want to take a more active role in donating here," said Jenny B., Volunteer.
“The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessees a great example of a nonprofit making a real difference in their community,” said Perla Ni, CEO of GreatNonprofits, “Their award is well-deserved recognition not only of their work, but the tremendous support they receive, as shown by the many outstanding reviews they have received from people who have direct experience working with The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee.”
GreatNonprofits is the leading website where people share stories about their personal experiences on more than 1.6 million charities and nonprofits. The GreatNonprofits Top-Rated Awards are the only awards for nonprofits determined by those who have direct experience with the charities – as donors, volunteers and recipients of aid.
The complete list of 2018 Top Rated Nonprofits can be found at: https://greatnonprofits.org/awards/browse/Campaign:Year2018/Issue:All/Page:1
About GreatNonprofits:
GreatNonprofits is the leading site for donors and volunteers to find stories and ratings of nonprofits. Stories on the site influence 30 million donation decisions a year. Visit www.greatnonprofits.org for more information.