Party for the Planet

Party for the Planet stands as North America’s largest Earth Day celebration, with over 120 zoos and aquariums across the country participating between Earth Day on April 22nd, followed by Endangered Species Day on May 17th, and concluding on June 8th with World Ocean Day. Through education and distance learning initiatives, The Elephant Sanctuary celebrates the earth every day, encouraging and inspiring those we connect with to learn more about conservation.

This year, our celebration will span all 50 states. While The Sanctuary's Education Team currently presents multiple virtual programs daily, our ambition during Party for the Planet is to broaden our reach, with a goal of delivering at least one virtual program in every state from April 22nd to June 8th.

Our Distance Learning programs offer a journey into The Elephant Sanctuary and the global lives of elephants, fostering a deeper appreciation not only for elephant conservation but also for the conservation of our shared environment. Thoughtfully designed by our Education Team, these programs entertain, inform, and inspire students of all ages. Connect from school, home, or a hybrid setting, and experience real-time elephant moments on our Live EleCams!

Join us! Register your group, scout troop, or class of five or more, for a free Distance Learning program by clicking here (make sure to select a time slot between April 22nd and June 8th!).

Help us in achieving our goal by spreading the word to teachers, librarians, scout leaders, or group leaders in your state — or any state!
— and encourage them to book a Distance Learning program with The Elephant Sanctuary. Our hope is to reach as many teachers, classes, and groups as possible to inspire others across the country to Party for the Planet!

In the upcoming months, we'll keep you in the loop regarding our progress on this page and ask for your help not only in booking a program but also in spreading the word to educators across different states. Here are the states we have booked thus far, highlighted in green:

Note, even if your state is already highlighted on the list above, we would still love to connect with your community during this celebration!

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