
On this cold evening the caregiver decided to take extra precaution to keep the 3sums' barn toasty warm by plugging a drainage hole with hay.  When the caregiver checked on the girls only a few minutes later, she noticed that the drainage hole was open.  Again she re-plugged the hole with hay - this time from the outside so as not to draw attention to the area.  As the caregiver was approaching the door to go back into the barn she looked and saw the hay was disappearing right before her eyes, it was being pulled inside the barn!  When she opened the door she saw Miss Lizzie standing near the back of stall, innocently munching on a very fresh pile of hay. She was wearing a very suspicious grin on her face, of course.  When the caregiver went outside for a third attempt to plug the hole, she felt the hay being pulled away as she was plugging the hole.  She grasped the hay tight and said, "Miss Liz!"  There was a dead silence and then the hay that was being pulled went limp. Lizzie had been discovered, so the case of the disappearing hay was solved and Lizzie was off to see what new mischief she could get into.

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