600 Pumpkins Donated for the Elephants

Once again, our Middle Tennessee community has generously contributed a wealth of donated pumpkins for the elephants at The Sanctuary!

Every year, we extend an invitation to our neighbors to bring uncarved pumpkins to The Sanctuary after the Halloween and Thanksgiving festivities. These pumpkins become a much enjoyed addition to the elephants' diet, as our dedicated Caregivers creatively utilize them as enrichment for the barns and habitats, offering a special and nutritious surprise for the elephants to discover. This year, our supportive community and neighbors collectively donated an impressive 600 pumpkins for the elephants, with even more coming in!

While each elephant has their unique eating style, the approach to large pumpkins is generally quite similar. A loud yet satisfying crunch resonates throughout the habitats as the elephants step on these giant pumpkins and subsequently relish each piece individually. It is a joyous and enriching experience for both the elephants and Care Staff, and we want to thank all of you who make it possible!

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