The Sanctuary's Spring Campaign starts today — all about arrivals!
Greetings from Hohenwald, Tennessee, where our Caregivers are busier and our pastures are fuller thanks to our new residents at The Sanctuary in 2023: Artie, who arrived January 31, and Nichole, who joined us March 9. Both elephants are adapting and exploring, catching glimpses from afar of other curious Sanctuary residents. Our team is constantly preparing for the growth of the herd, deepening expertise and refining the ways to deliver the best, individualized lifetime care to each elephant on every single day.
Taking in bull elephants — first Artie the African elephant, from North Carolina, and by the end of the year Tonka, another enormous and regal African elephant coming to us from Zoo Knoxville — requires extra modifications to our facilities, food quantities, and fences.
If you are as excited as we are to observe in their new Sanctuary home the natural expressions of Artie, Nichole, and at least three more elephants before the end of the year — give now to our 2023 Spring Campaign! Your help provides essential supplies and offsets transport costs for these incredible animals as they arrive to find home, herd, rest, and refuge they deserve.
Make sure to sign up for our email list for the most up-to-date news on the Spring Campaign from now until June, including matching opportunities!